Yordan Parushev Foundation Official web site - Фондация Йордан Парушев официален уебсайт
Йордан, Парушев, фондация, артист, художник, колаж, български, изкуство, Сливен, Yordan, Parushev, Foundation, artist, painter, collage, bulgarian, art, Sliven
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The Yordan Parushev foundation came into existence in the legal world in June 2012. Its main aim is focused on the dissemination and popularization of the life, art work and public life involvement of the painter Yordan Parushev. The foundation is actively working on the creation of a fund, electronic archive, and website as well as participation in various art exhibitions, festivals and cultural fora. Among one of the important aims of the foundation is the organization of a prestigious national competition for young talent through the establishment of the Yordan Parushev Prize.

The foundation also strives to support and further develop the Bulgarian national heritage. It actively participates in all cultural activities in the town of Sliven where it aims to stimulate and enrich the art life of this unique Bulgarian town.

«Yordan Parushev Foundation» is also in the official register of cultural organizations of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture.


The foundation has its own branch in Paris. Thus, with its presence on the international art stage, the foundation can avail itself of the protection of French law and generate new projects and artistic output.

Deyan Parouchev
Founder, Executive Director

Sole heir of the artist. Manager of the foundation in Bulgaria and France, administrator of the website.

Valka Parusheva

First assistant Bulgaria

Elena Paroucheva

First assistant in France

Mariana Yankova

Our real living memory

Honourable Donors

Deyan Parouchev, Bulgarian Ministry of Culture, University of Veliko Turnovo, Municipality of Sliven, Union of the Bulgarian Artists, Jacques des Moutis, Elena Paroucheva, Valka Parusheva, Mariana Yankova, Livia Kopanski.

You can be generous and support our actions with the Foundation:

DSK Bank AD IBAN  BG35STSA93000020390024


Thank you in advance !